Missing Money

December 10, 2022 Page last updated: January 10, 2025

For several years, Andrew Griffith CPA has helped our clients locate and recover their unclaimed funds without charging them for our help. Now, the very sources that we use are available on this page. If you find a link that is broken or know of another official link to include on this page, please let us know on the Contact page.

We recommend that you do your best to avoid paying someone else to locate your unclaimed funds in the hands of a government agency or regulator. After all, it is your money and not someone else's. Everyone can locate their unclaimed funds and track their income tax refunds for free by searching the following public websites:

United States

Federal Searches- Employment Related

Unclaimed Retirement Benefits by the National Registry of Unclaimed Retirement Benefits and Unclaimed Pension Benefits Guaranty Corporation Benefits have databases that can be searched online for missing retirement funds.

Lost Employee Benefits are indexed at this site by the U.S. Department of Labor.

Federal Searches- Financial and Tax System

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) has unclaimed funds in its database.

Internal Revenue Service has a searchable database for tracking refunds.

National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) has a database of unclaimed funds.

United States Bankruptcy Court System has a database of unclaimed funds.

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has a database of unclaimed FHA insurance refunds.

U.S. Department of the Interior has a database of unclaimed Individual Indian Money (IIM) account holders.

U.S. Department of the Treasury has a database of unclaimed federal savings bonds and unpaid foreign claims that it has collected on behalf of U.S. nationals.

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has a database of funds available as a result of its collections and recovery actions.

Veterans Administration has a database of unclaimed insurance funds.

U.S. State Level Searches

State Unclaimed Funds Offices and Income Tax Refund Tracking

Missingmoney.com is the official unclaimed funds database for the unclaimed funds offices of most states. (I recommend that you use this site to do a general search for unclaimed funds at the state levels. If you do not see anything, do not give up as some states do not share all of their unclaimed funds with this site.)

In the state/territory box immediately below, you can view the links to track your income tax refunds and identify any unclaimed funds held by those government agencies.


Unclaimed Funds Website: https://unclaimedproperty.alaska.gov/

Taxation Department: http://www.tax.state.ak.us/

Refund Tracking: No Link Provided


Unclaimed Funds Website: https://azdor.gov/unclaimed-property

Taxation Department: https://azdor.gov/

Refund Tracking: https://www.aztaxes.gov/Home/Page


Unclaimed Funds Website: https://www.sco.ca.gov/upd_msg

Taxation Department: https://www.boe.ca.gov/

Refund Tracking: https://www.ftb.ca.gov/refund/index.asp


Unclaimed Funds Website: https://colorado.findyourunclaimedproperty.com/

Taxation Department: https://cdor.colorado.gov/

Refund Tracking: https://tax.colorado.gov/


Unclaimed Funds Website: https://unclaimedproperty.delaware.gov/

Taxation Department: https://revenue.delaware.gov/

Refund Tracking: https://tax.delaware.gov/


Unclaimed Funds Website: https://myfloridacfo.com/division/unclaimedproperty/home

Taxation Department: https://floridarevenue.com/Pages/default.aspx

Refund Tracking: No Link Provided


Unclaimed Funds Website: https://doa.guam.gov/treasurer-of-guam/unclaimed-property-escheat/

Taxation Department: https://www.guamtax.com/

Refund Tracking: No Link Provided


Unclaimed Funds Website: https://yourmoney.idaho.gov/

Taxation Department: https://tax.idaho.gov/

Refund Tracking: https://tax.idaho.gov


Unclaimed Funds Website: https://icash.illinoistreasurer.gov/

Taxation Department: https://www2.illinois.gov/rev/Pages/default.aspx

Refund Tracking: https://mytax.illinois.gov/_/


Unclaimed Funds Website: https://www.indianaunclaimed.gov/

Taxation Department: https://www.in.gov/dor/

Refund Tracking: https://intime.dor.in.gov/eServices/_/


Unclaimed Funds Website: https://www.maineunclaimedproperty.gov/

Taxation Department: https://www.maine.gov/revenue/

Refund Tracking: https://revenue.maine.gov/_/


Unclaimed Funds Website: https://unclaimedproperty.michigan.gov/

Taxation Department: https://www.michigan.gov/taxes

Refund Tracking: https://www.michigan.gov/taxes/iit/refund


Unclaimed Funds Website: https://treasury.ms.gov/for-citizens/unclaimed-property/

Taxation Department: https://www.dor.ms.gov/

Refund Tracking: https://tap.dor.ms.gov/_/


Unclaimed Funds Website: https://treasurer.mo.gov/UnclaimedProperty/en/

Taxation Department: https://dor.mo.gov/

Refund Tracking: https://dor.mo.gov/taxation/return-status/


Unclaimed Funds Website: https://mtrevenue.gov/unclaimed-property/claims/

Taxation Department: https://mtrevenue.gov/

Refund Tracking: https://tap.dor.mt.gov/_/


Unclaimed Funds Website: https://www.nevadatreasurer.gov/Unclaimed_Property/UP_Home/

Taxation Department: https://tax.nv.gov/

Refund Tracking: No Link Provided

New Hampshire

Unclaimed Funds Website: https://www.findnhmoney.gov/

Taxation Department: https://www.revenue.nh.gov/

Refund Tracking: No Link Provided

New York

Unclaimed Funds Website: https://www.osc.state.ny.us/unclaimed-funds

Taxation Department: https://www.tax.ny.gov/

Refund Tracking: https://www.tax.ny.gov/pit/file/refund.htm

North Carolina

  Unclaimed Funds Website: https://www.nccash.com/

Taxation Department: https://www.ncdor.gov/

Refund Tracking: https://www.ncdor.gov/refund

North Dakota

Unclaimed Funds Website: https://unclaimedproperty.nd.gov/

Taxation Department: https://www.tax.nd.gov/

Refund Tracking: https://apps.nd.gov/tax/tap/_/


Unclaimed Funds Website: https://www.patreasury.gov/unclaimed-property/

Taxation Department: https://www.pa.gov/agencies/revenue.html

Refund Tracking: https://mypath.pa.gov/_/

Puerto Rico

Unclaimed Funds Website: https://www.ocif.pr.gov/consumidores

Taxation Department: https://hacienda.pr.gov/

Refund Tracking: No Link Provided

Rhode Island

Unclaimed Funds Website: https://findrimoney.com/

Taxation Department: https://tax.ri.gov/

Refund Tracking: https://tax.ri.gov/online-services/wheres-my-refund

South Carolina

Unclaimed Funds Website: https://southcarolina.findyourunclaimedproperty.com/

Taxation Department: https://dor.sc.gov/

Refund Tracking: https://dor.sc.gov/refund

South Dakota

Unclaimed Funds Website: https://southdakota.findyourunclaimedproperty.com/

Taxation Department: https://dor.sd.gov/

Refund Tracking: No Link Provided


Unclaimed Funds Website: https://treasury.tn.gov/Unclaimed-Property/Claim-Unclaimed-Property/Find-Your-Missing-Money

Taxation Department: https://www.tn.gov/revenue/

Refund Tracking: No Link Provided


Unclaimed Funds Website: https://www.claimittexas.gov/

Taxation Department: https://comptroller.texas.gov/taxes/

Refund Tracking: No Link Provided


  Unclaimed Funds Website: https://mycash.utah.gov/

Taxation Department: https://tax.utah.gov/

Refund Tracking: https://incometax.utah.gov/refunds


Unclaimed Funds Website: https://vermont.unclaimedproperty.com/

Taxation Department: https://tax.vermont.gov/

Refund Tracking: https://myvtax.vermont.gov/_/


Unclaimed Funds Website: https://www.vamoneysearch.gov/

Taxation Department: https://www.tax.virginia.gov/

Refund Tracking: https://www.tax.virginia.gov/wheres-my-refund


 Unclaimed Funds Website: https://ucp.dor.wa.gov/    

Taxation Department: https://dor.wa.gov/

Refund Tracking: No Link Provided

Washington, D.C.

Unclaimed Funds Website: https://dc.findyourunclaimedproperty.com/

Taxation Department: https://otr.cfo.dc.gov/

Refund Tracking: https://mytax.dc.gov/_/

West Virginia

Unclaimed Funds Website: https://wv.findyourunclaimedproperty.com/

Taxation Department: https://tax.wv.gov/Pages/default.aspx

Refund Tracking: https://mytaxes.wvtax.gov/_/


Unclaimed Funds Website: https://statetreasurer.wyo.gov/unclaimed-property/

Taxation Department: https://revenue.wyo.gov/

Refund Tracking: No Link Provided

U.S. Virgin Islands

Unclaimed Funds Website: https://ltg.gov.vi/departments/banking-insurance-and-financial-regulation/

Taxation Department: No Link Provided

Refund Tracking: No Link Provided



Bank of Canada- Unclaimed Bank Balances

Canada Revenue Agency- Tax Refunds: When to Expect Your Refund and Uncashed Cheques

Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada- Unclaimed Dividends Search


Alberta- Unclaimed Property

British Columbia- Unclaimed Property

New Brunswick- Unclaimed Property

Nova Scotia- Unclaimed Estate or Trust Funds Databases and Credit Union Unclaimed Balances

Quebec- Unclaimed Property



Australian Taxation Office's Lost Superannuation Search

Australian Securities and Investments Commission- Money Smart's Unclaimed Funds from bank accounts, investments (including shares), and life insurance


Australian Capital Territory- Public Trustee and Guardian's Unclaimed Money

New South Wales- Revenue's Unclaimed Money

Northern Territory- Territory Revenue Office's Unclaimed Money

Queensland- The Public Trustee's Unclaimed Money

South Australia- Department of Treasury and Finance's Unclaimed Money

Victoria- State Revenue Office's Unclaimed Money

Tasmania- The Public Trustee's Unclaimed Monies

Western Australia- Department of Treasury's Unclaimed Money

Other Countries

Kenya- Unclaimed Funds

New Zealand- Unclaimed Funds

Switzerland- Dormant Bank Accounts